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Friday, June 27, 2008

Pictures Pictures Pictures! From Indon.

Hi All!

First of all, apologies for the absence as I have been away for camps and training.

Anyway, just a quick update that for the whole school holiday, I have been in camps, after camps, are more camps. And now, I am in Lembang, Indonesia, running a huge camp with 300 over participants. It is like a party. The kids are simple marvelous and very nice.

Here are some pictures for you to see. Enjoy!

And to XY, this is the reason why I always wanted you to go to Indon camps. The experience is different...VERY DIFFERENT. To which, XY will reply, "Okay Lah..." or "See How Lah". hehehe

From this, you can get a feel of the number of students. And I am the one who has to shout the commands to them. Now you know why my voice is hoarse after every camp...:)

Kids trying the break the record. The Giants!

Some Random Pic...

Some More Random Pics...

More To Come!!!

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Dedicated To SCGS' Wonderful Ladies

I must say that SCGS is a great school with a strong culture and full of love for the students. The School leaders were very supportive and were always there for the students, to ensure their success, with the Principal, Vice Principal and Dean visiting on several occasions. The students were also very closely knitted, with many of them were from different countries like Vietnam, China, Indonesia and of course, Singapore.

Ladies, if you are reading this, I just want to say that you are bound for success. All of you have been so wonderful, passionate and focused in your own learning. Combine that with the friends which you have found, I am sure that you will definitely go FAR. Reach high, and get into action. You deserve only the best!

Sadly, I didn't manage to get a photo taken of the whole class. But, even from this picture of just the few ladies, I am sure you can get a feel of the dynamic energy and charisma they exude.